Moonshine Pickles Recipe – Epic Cooker

by Ann Jones published on February 18, 2024

Moonshine pickles have become a popular and unique addition to the culinary world. Combining the flavors of moonshine and pickles, this dish brings a delightful tanginess with a subtle kick. 

Whether you’re a pickle lover or a moonshine enthusiast, this recipe will surely pique your interest. 

In this blog post, we will explore what exactly moonshine pickles are, their flavor profile, how they differ from other pickles, the required ingredients, step-by-step directions, useful tips, nutrition information, storage options, substitute options for ingredients, frequently asked questions, and a conclusion.

moonshine pickles recipe

What are moonshine pickles?

Moonshine pickles are a twist on traditional pickles that infuses the flavors of moonshine into the pickle brine. 

Moonshine, a homemade distilled alcohol often made from corn, provides a unique taste that pairs surprisingly well with the tanginess of pickles. This combination creates a flavor explosion that is sure to please any palate.

Moonshine pickles are pickles that have been soaked in a brine that includes moonshine. The pickles absorb the distinctive flavors of the moonshine, resulting in a deliciously tangy and slightly boozy pickle.

What is the flavor profile of this dish?

Moonshine pickles offer a one-of-a-kind flavor profile. The combination of the tartness from the pickles and the subtle sweetness and heat from the moonshine creates a dynamic taste experience. 

The tanginess of the pickles is enhanced by the moonshine, which adds a hint of sweetness and a mild spiciness from the Sriracha. The result is a balanced blend of flavors that is both refreshing and exciting.

What Makes This Recipe Different From Other moonshine pickles?

While there are other moonshine pickle recipes out there, what sets this recipe apart is the addition of Sriracha. The Sriracha adds a subtle heat that complements the other flavors perfectly. 

This addition elevates the dish and makes it truly unique. By incorporating Sriracha into the recipe, this moonshine pickle variation brings an extra layer of complexity that sets it apart from other recipes.

Descriptive Ingredients:

  • Moonshine: Moonshine serves as the primary flavoring agent and preservative in the pickles. It infuses the pickles with a distinct, boozy flavor and adds complexity to the brine. Additionally, the alcohol content in moonshine helps to preserve the pickles and extend their shelf life.
  • Dill gherkin pickles: Dill gherkin pickles are the main ingredient in this recipe, providing the base flavor and texture for the moonshine pickles. The dill flavor complements the moonshine and adds a savory, herbaceous note to the pickles. Gherkin pickles are typically small and crunchy, making them ideal for pickling and preserving.
  • Sriracha: Sriracha adds heat and a spicy kick to the moonshine pickles, enhancing their overall flavor profile. The combination of heat from the sriracha and the sweetness from the moonshine creates a unique and delicious flavor experience. Additionally, sriracha adds complexity and depth to the brine, making the pickles more flavorful.
moonshine pickles

Step by Step Directions:

Step 1: 

Start by draining the pickles from the jar and discarding the excess brine.

Step 2: 

In a mixing bowl, combine the moonshine and Sriracha.

Step 3: 

Place the drained pickles back into the jar.

Step 4: 

Pour the moonshine and Sriracha mixture over the pickles, ensuring they are completely submerged.

Step 5: 

Seal the jar and allow the pickles to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.

Step 6: 

After the marinating time, the moonshine pickles are ready to be enjoyed. Serve them as a snack or use them to enhance your favorite dishes.

Tips On Making Moonshine Pickles:

Here are some tips to help you make the perfect batch of moonshine pickles:

– Use high-quality moonshine for the best flavor. The quality of the moonshine will greatly influence the taste of the pickles.

– Adjust the amount of Sriracha according to your personal preference. If you prefer a spicier pickle, feel free to add more. Alternatively, reduce the amount if you prefer a milder taste.

– Ensure the pickles are completely submerged in the moonshine mixture. This will guarantee that every bite is infused with the flavors of the moonshine.

– Allow the pickles to marinate for at least 24 hours to ensure maximum flavor absorption. The longer the pickles marinate, the more pronounced the flavors will be.

– Stir the pickles occasionally during the marinating process to evenly distribute the flavors.

moonshine pickles

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1 oz (28g)

Calories: 150

Total Fat: 0g

Sodium: 410mg

Total Carbohydrate: 3g

Sugars: 0g

Protein: 0g

How Can I Store This Moonshine Pickles?

Moonshine pickles can be stored in an airtight container or jar in the refrigerator. They will typically stay fresh for up to 2 weeks. It is important to properly seal the container to maintain the flavor and prevent them from spoiling.

If the items are not available in your kitchen, what are some substitute options for the ingredients?

In case you don’t have all the required ingredients, here are some substitute options you can consider:

1. Moonshine Substitute: If you don’t have moonshine on hand, you can use vodka or white rum instead. Just keep in mind that the flavor profile may differ slightly.

2. Dill Gherkin Pickles Substitute: If you don’t have dill gherkin pickles, you can use regular dill pickles or even bread and butter pickles. These alternatives will still result in delicious moonshine pickles, although the flavor may vary slightly.

3. Sriracha Substitute: If you don’t have Sriracha, you can use hot sauce or red pepper flakes to add some heat to the pickles. Adjust the quantity according to your taste preferences.

4. If you prefer a non-alcoholic version of moonshine pickles, you can substitute the moonshine with apple cider vinegar for a tangy flavor.

moonshine pickles

Moonshine Pickles Recipe

Moonshine pickles have become a popular and unique addition to the culinary world. Combining the flavors of moonshine and pickles, this dish brings a delightful tanginess with a subtle kick.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Rest Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 5 minutes
Course Appetizer
Cuisine American
Servings 30
Calories 150 kcal


  • large pot
  • Knife
  • Cutting board


  • 1 cup moonshine
  • 16 ounces jarred dill gherkin pickles
  • ¼ tsp Sriracha


  • Start by draining the pickles from the jar and discarding the excess brine.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the moonshine and Sriracha.
  • Place the drained pickles back into the jar.
  • Pour the moonshine and Sriracha mixture over the pickles, ensuring they are completely submerged.
  • Seal the jar and allow the pickles to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
  • After the marinating time, the moonshine pickles are ready to be enjoyed. Serve them as a snack or use them to enhance your favorite dishes.


  • Use high-quality moonshine for the best flavor. The quality of the moonshine will greatly influence the taste of the pickles.
  • Adjust the amount of Sriracha according to your personal preference. If you prefer a spicier pickle, feel free to add more. Alternatively, reduce the amount if you prefer a milder taste.
  • Ensure the pickles are completely submerged in the moonshine mixture. This will guarantee that every bite is infused with the flavors of the moonshine.
  • Allow the pickles to marinate for at least 24 hours to ensure maximum flavor absorption. The longer the pickles marinate, the more pronounced the flavors will be.
  • Stir the pickles occasionally during the marinating process to evenly distribute the flavors.


Calories: 150kcal
Keyword moonshine pickles recipe
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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: Can I use homemade moonshine for this recipe?

A1: While using homemade moonshine may seem like an attractive option, it is important to note that homemade moonshine may vary in quality and alcohol content. Using store-bought moonshine with a known alcohol percentage is recommended for consistent results and safe consumption.

Q2: How long can I store moonshine pickles?

A2: Moonshine pickles can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Proper sealing and refrigeration are key to maintaining their freshness and flavor.

Q3: Can I reuse the moonshine brine for future batches of pickles?

A3: It is not recommended to reuse the moonshine brine for future batches of pickles. The flavors of the moonshine will diminish with each use, resulting in a less impactful taste. It is best to prepare a fresh batch of brine for each new batch of pickles.

Q4: Can I adjust the spiciness of the pickles?

A4: Yes, you can adjust the spiciness of the pickles by adding more or less Sriracha according to your preference. Feel free to experiment with the amount of Sriracha to achieve your desired level of heat.

Q5: Can I use different types of pickles for this recipe?

A5: Absolutely! While dill gherkin pickles are commonly used, you can use other types of pickles such as dill spears or even sweet pickles for a unique twist.


Moonshine pickles are a delightful and unique treat that combines the flavors of moonshine and pickles. With their tanginess and subtle kick, they offer a refreshing and exciting taste experience. 

By following the step-by-step directions, incorporating useful tips, and exploring substitute options for ingredients, you can create your own batch of delicious moonshine pickles. 

Whether you enjoy them as a snack or as an accompaniment to your favorite dish, moonshine pickles are sure to impress. So, grab some pickles, moonshine, and Sriracha, and embark on a culinary adventure filled with flavor and fun!

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